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Children’s Ministry

With Church Admin you can easily organize you’re children’s ministry, teachers, and children.

The first thing you’ll want to do is set up your children’s ministry classes. In the Church Admin menu, go to Childrens work. To add a Sunday school class, click Add a kidswork age group.

Name the group.

Choose the birth date of the youngest and oldest age for the children’s class. On January first at the beginning of each year, the dates will be moved up by one year.

Then choose, from the drop-down menu, which ministry will lead the children’s group. Hit Save and you’re done! (You will need to set up a ministry first.)

Clicking on Childrens work or the sub-menu item Childrens groups takes you to a listing of the children’s ministry groups you have set up. From here you can edit or delete children’s ministry groups.

The sub-menu item Childrens group PDF gives you the option to download a PDF of your children’s groups.

Select the member type or types you would like to view. Hit Download to get a PDF file of a list of all the children in your children’s ministry groups within the member types that you have selected.

Childrens checkin PDF gives you a PDF to use for classroom check-in.

Select the class you would like the check-in PDF for. Select the service and date, and then click Download.

If you plan on using safeguarding for your children’s ministry workers, go to Safeguarding in the Childrens work sub-menu.

Click on Choose which nation’s safeguarding standards to use. You can choose either Australia or te United Kingdom.

Once you have chosen which country’s safeguard you will use, select the ministries that safeguarding will apply to. For more on safeguarding; see About Safeguarding.

That’s it. You’re children’s ministry is all set up!

You can now receive online applications for teachers.