Small Groups

Setting up small groups is a small task, but a useful part of Church Admin to have configured. If your church has small groups, you’ll love to have them entered into your website. You can allow members of your church to view the location of your church’s small groups, their leaders, and even the members of the small groups if you so choose. You can track your small group attendance. And you can easily get in contact with your small group leaders.

If you click on Small Groups in the Church Admin menu, the following page will appear.

Group metrics, including a graph will be shown here once you have entered in some small groups.

Fill out the form and click Save Small Group. Once you have entered in your small groups, you can see your small group metrics under Small groups.

A pie graph will display, showing what percent of your directory is in a small group.

Below the graph, are options for downloading a PDF of your groups. You can click on the check boxes to select which ages of people and member types you would like to include in the PDF. If you do not mark any check boxes, no filters will be applied. Click Download to download the PDF of your small groups.

Below the options for downloading a PDF is a map showing the location of your small groups, and a display of all your small groups. From here you can edit or delete small groups.

To learn how to add small group attendance, see Tracking Attendance.
To learn about follow up on attendance, see Follow-up Funnels.

To display your small groups on a page, use the following shortcodes.